Your Dream Hair



You don’t have to live at the salon to have

Hair You Love

Your Dream hair but keep it

low Maintenance

I specialize in simple, healthy, effortless hair

that works for you & your lifestyle.

I can’t wait to work together to create your unique color!

Laura Palmer Hair Stylist wearing a floppy hat and Color Specialist

Education for Stylists

Online Education

Work at your own pace, in your own space.

A growing pre-recorded library to sign up for courses and to rewatch as needed.

Any questions during the class?

I’m here to support you the whole way.

Custom One on One or Private Salon Classes

Designed for you, by you.

Always in a safe, judgment free environment

to fully empower you.

Laura Palmer smiling with effortless curls in her hair

Hi Im Laura

empoweRing you to be able to “handle” your dream hair.

Keep it simple you got this.


Ready to make the switch to

Low Maintenance Hair